Standard flat top banjo converted using the JS2 JoSonic replacement head. Hard Top with hard tail bridge adds magnetic pickups and electric guitar strings.
Semi hollow 10 string Electric Mandocello (aka Cittern) Conversion
Standard 8 string tuning (eE aA dD gG) using a short scale (31”) Guild B-240E
8 string Electric Mandocello Conversion
Telecaster style, 25.5” scale length.
Tuned CGDA; octave mandolin tuning is also available GDAE
10 string Electric Mandocello (aka Cittern) Conversion
Stratocaster style
Tuning: CC GG DD AA EE
scale length: 25.5"
8 string Acoustic/Electric Mandocello conversion of dreadnought guitar.
Tuning CC GG DD AA
PLEASE NOTE! These Instruments are guitar to mandolin family conversions. The neck will have a guitar type width, as I do NOT reduce the neck's width. So if you're accustomed to playing banjo, tenor guitar, electric mandolin, or any other stringed instrument with a narrower neck, this instrument will have a larger feel to your hand.
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Semi hollow 8 string Electric Mandocello Conversion
Telecaster style
Tuning: CC GG DD AA
scale length: 25.5"
Electric 8 string Mandocello Conversion
Stratocaster style
Tuning: CC GG DD AA
scale length: 25.5"
Electric Octave Mandolin conversion of anIbanez Mikro electric guitar. Tuning: gG dD aa ee (unison also available)
Scale Length: 22”
Electric 8 string Baritone Ukulele Conversion made from a 1/2 size Electric Guitar
Tuning: dD gG bb ee
Scale Length: 20"
Electric 5 string Cellobass (celloblaster) Conversion of an Ibanez Mikro Electric bass Guitar
Tuning: CGDAE from low to high (Same as a cello then add an E string above)
scale length: 28.6”
8 string bass conversion of an Ibanez Mikro bass
Scale length: 28.6"
Tuning eE aA dD gG
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Electric 10 string Bajo Quinto Conversion
Stratocaster style
Tuning: aA dD gG cc ff
scale length: 25.5"
Semi hollow Electric 8 string Mandocello Conversion of 335 style electric guitar copy.
Tuning: CC GG DD AA
scale length: 24.75"
8 string Electric Octave Mandolin conversion of Rogue RR50
Tuning: GG DD AA EE
Scale Length: 23.5"
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Electric semi hollow body Mandocello Conversion made from a jazz box style Guitar
Tuning: C G D A (octave mandolin tuning GDAE also available)
scale length: 24.75"
Combines a banjo neck and solid Telecaster style body
Electric Mandola Conversion of a 1/2 size Electric Guitar
Tuning: CC GG DD AA
Scale Length: 20"
Irish Bouzouki or Octave Mandolin conversion of a mini jazzmaster.
Scale length: 22.75"
8 string Electric Tenor Guitar conversion of an Ibanez Mikro.
Tuning: CGDA (same octave range as mandola tuning)
Scale length: 22"
Hofner violin bass converted to Mandobass (a mandolin tuned 2 octaves down).
30” scale length
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Electric 8 string Mandobass Conversion made from a brand new Ibanez Mikro Electric bass Guitar
Tuning: GG DD AA EE (2 octaves below mandolin)
scale length: 28.5”
Combines a banjo neck with a semi hollow telecaster body
Electric 5 string tenor guitar Conversion of a Rogue half size Electric Guitar
Tuning: FCGDA
Scale Length: 22"
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